Thursday, December 9, 2010


first of all i just want to say this past 7 monthes sense ive done my last post i ether was just lazy, of forgoten i even HAD a blog. my apoligies.

so my mom dropes me off at math club ( its a early mornig class for kids that could use some extra help in math that my parents MAKE me go to almost EVERY day. ) and goes back home, but first she has to get something ( Idont know what it was but i know what it was, but i am prity sure it was tools. ) so Madden walks in. And when mom goes to the door to go back it, its locked! Now i dont know if he is a quick thinker, or if he thought of doing it on the way BACK home, but this only took about 30 seconds for him to get in, turn around and lock the door! WOOOF! With that speed he sould be in the olimpix! So my mom nocks on the door and saids something like, "let my in madden." or "madden please let me in. or my persanel faverit, " MADDEN FOR THE LOVE OF ABE LINKEN, LET ME IN OF YOU WELL GET ONE HUNDRED AND FIVDY SEVEN TOUSEND GOOGLEPLEX SPANKENDS RIGHT IN THE TOOSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" EVEN THOUGH I know she didnt say THAT. But he is all like, "just a minute." So it takes him a minute, than he finily un-lokes the door, and our gingerbread house has peases on the counter and floor! ( he ate some of it. ) and my moms all like. "gasp" "madden , what did you do?!!!" she saids holding up a pease of candy in her hand shoing him. and you know what he said? well here you go. "oh, did some fall off?" ha ha ha ha ha i bet you guys ( and gals ) are saying. well that our story ( and not to mencen our little stinker ) for today! love ya!


  1. Mason,

    SOOOOOOOOO good to see you updated the blog. That story was hilarious. you are GREAT at telling stories and you are getting better and better at spelling and writing - good job.

    I had to go to a special class to get help with math and science and english and well everything but Gym but I am so glad I did. You will be real happy that your mom takes you there to get extra help with that.

    Guess what? we get to come and see you in like ONE week!!! can you believe that? I cant, i have to pinch myself when i look at the calendar to make sure im not dreaming.

    well, talk to you soon.
    Uncle Dan

  2. Hi Mason! Uncle Brad here, you know, Jayme's husband. Anyway, great blog! That is a funny story. It sounds like Madden takes after his big brother. I like the club penquin jet-pack adventure music. Keep working on your math! I like to think of math like a game where you have to figure out hard puzzles. Love you.

    Uncle Brad

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That is one great story. You will be so glad you took those classes they can really help. Can't wait to see you guys for Christmas!

  4. Mason, you really need to update your blog more it might be one of my favorites to read. Madden what a little turkey. did you teach him that? Well love ya and keep it up.
    Kirsten and Matt and Landon
